Friday, December 23, 2016

Snake Killers: Honey Badgers of The Kalahari [Nature Documentary] 2017

Honey badgers eat whole Cobras and they have pure venom in them, that means honey badgers are fuelled by pure evil, that's fucking awesome! 😄 Honey Badger ate a nest of baby foxes and then killed a child of his own species for no reason. What kind of hero is this?They are smart. Even smarter than dogs i would say. There is another documentary showing about one in captivity that constantly outsmarts the human and escapes its containment. It always finds ways to flee. From as simple as sliding the door latch to using tools as means to escape. clever. Hey we found that honey badger! And it's fighting one of the most venomous snakes in Africa! Quick, SHINE A SEARCH LIGHT IN HIS FACE TO BLIND HIM AND NEEDLESSLY REV THE ENGINE TO DISTRACT HIM WITH NOISE POLLUTION! Oh damn, he got bit... totally wasn't our fault!"

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