Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lions vs. Crocodile Fight - Samburu National Reserve, Kenya

My family and I managed to catch an extremely rare event on camera during our recent trip to the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya. We knew it was something special when our guide's mouth dropped open as soon as the lions jumped onto the crocodile. Take a look!

Many thanks to the beautiful Saruni Samburu lodge and to our incredible guide, Sambara.

Our safari was arranged for us by Gamewatchers Safaris, based in Kenya:

An elaboration on the "tech issue" in particular that we had at the start of the second fight: we never planned to shoot video on this trip because we had no idea we'd see something this awesome. As a result, the memory cards we brought weren't equipped to deal with such high quality video (1080p at 60fps). We faced a choice - capture maybe a quarter of the second fight on video and miss the rest, or cut our losses and take stills of the second fight. It is what it is, and I wish I could go back and change it, but we were lucky to even see this in the first place!

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